Coghlin Companies Takes an Innovative Approach to Corporate Culture Development

June 7, 2018

As a rapidly growing, fourth generation business, Coghlin Companies remains focused on maintaining the tight-knit culture on which it was founded. Many companies with small-business roots experience this same test. Coghlin Companies is determined to approach it with innovation and outside-the-box thinking.

“Our Caring Associates are the most important asset we have,” says Coghlin Companies President and CEO, Chris Coghlin. “We are unconditionally dedicated to driving a corporate culture that fosters trust, transparency, respect, and continuous improvement.”

Through successful implementation of several unique programs, the company has had undeniable success in preserving and nurturing its close community of Caring Associates.

Every One Every Day KioskThe first of these programs is their “Every One, Every Day” (EOED) initiative. In 2015, Coghlin Companies installed automated kiosks throughout all facilities where Caring Associates can submit suggestions for continuous improvement. These suggestions are reviewed by leadership team members including owners, and associates are rewarded for their suggestions  based on organizational impact. The results have been exceptional, with more than 500 suggestions submitted and over 50% implemented. The EOED program serves as a line of communication between associates and company leaders and has improved areas including safety, production, quality, and engineering.

In addition, Coghlin Companies has created a Cultural Pillar program, where appointed associates act as cultural ambassadors with a responsibility to help spread a collaborative, team oriented culture throughout the organization. Coghlin Companies encourages community involvement through their 5C Program and other charitable initiatives, and has engaged in a wide range of community service projects. These projects include sponsorship of events that support the 15-40 Connection, United Way, Toys for Tots, Andy’s Attic, and more.

If you would like to become a part of the Coghlin Companies family, contact them today.

Read the original press release, here.