by Kimberlee Lamarche, Director of First Impressions

Boston Strong

The employees of Coghlin Companies support “Boston Strong.”

After the tragic events at the Boston Marathon on Monday, April 15, 2013, Coghlin Companies shed a glimmer of light and hope throughout the company and community by participating in Boston Spirit Day on Friday, April 19th.

In recent reports by the Boston media, city residents have been profoundly touched by individuals wearing Boston paraphernalia. So, to show their support for the city of Boston and all who were impacted by the terrible events, Coghlin Companies’ Associates came to work wearing hats, t-shirts, and jackets with various Boston logos to raise morale and lobby for the people affected by these events.


Boston Strong Support for Boston Marathon Bombing Victims

Cogmedix Coghlin Companies

Cogmedix employees represented all four top Boston sports teams to support “Boston Strong.”

Coghlin Companies DCI Engineering prototyping

Boston support was strong at DCI Engineering.

Columbia Tech employees at our facility on Otis Street in Westborough show their support for “Boston Strong.”

Columbia Tech, Coghlin Companies

A lot of employees of Columbia Tech participated in the “Boston Strong” event on April 19.